4 Lessons.
39-130 Months.
Multiple Incomes.
Not financial advice. For education & entertainment purposes only.
Have a plan from your first paycheck. A plan for putting food on the table, to purchasing real estate, to building your own business, to investing and trading.
Personal finance is just that, personal. This is why you won’t find our photos or names on this site.
We’ll use hypothetical numbers to help you with the vision. We are not financial advisors or accountants or tax consultants. Only you know your situation and how best to proceed.
You need to find a tax person or company to help you through all the technical details. We are not that company.
the lessons
Investing for Your Future
Learn how personal finances work, plan for your retirement and plan for your family’s future.
Personal finance
& budgeting
Lesson 1
This is your foundation. It may seem simple, but every journey has to begin somewhere.
In Personal Finance & Budging we look at:
- Building a Budget
- Saving for an Emergency
- Getting Out of Debt
If you can be responsible in this area you’ll begin to thrive and you’ll be able to move on to lesson 2.
Ultimately, it’s about spending less than you make.
real estate
& retirement
Lesson 2
Should you buy a home or rent? Really it’s a trick question.
Consider buying a duplex, triplex or quadplex and live in one of the units.
In Real Estate & Retirement we look at:
- Fully Funded Emergency Fund
- Find the Right Property & Loan
- Find the Right Manager & Tenant
- Tracking for Taxes
- Business Creation
- The Payoff Party
Let someone else pay off your mortgage and establish your retirement nest egg.
& your “side” gig
Lesson 3
With today’s gig economy you have to look at side income to push the financial envelope.
Gone are the days at working for the same company for 30 years.
Look at working for yourself to further your financial dreams.
In Entrepreneurship & Your “Side” Gig we’ll discuss:
- Starting out Debt Free
- Tracking for Taxes
- Business Creation
Turns out, working 4 hours a week is kinda nice.
Trading, Investing
& your future
Lesson 4
Once you’ve conquered lessons 1 – 3, you can begin looking at investing and trading.
Whether it’s the stock market or cryptocurrencies you’ll need to invest somewhere.
Now you have options:
- Create Your Strategy
- Invest in a 401(k) or Roth IRA (traditional & safer route)
- Invest in cryptocurrency (aggressive & riskier route)
- Tracking for Taxes
- Business Creation
Better to be the bank than the banker.
our Approach
Our approach to finances has been crafted over our many years and is a fairly conservative approach to winning. Our approach wins in several ways.
- It’s as close to stress free as you can get.
- It sets up multiple revenue streams so in case one fails you have others to fall back on.
- It moves you toward millionaire status, steadily and nearly stress free.
It’s certainly not a get rich quick scheme, but it does win.